
Whilst Covid-19 ravaged the UK in March 2020 and the country was placed in a national Lock Down we are Recycling4you ltd had to adapt our way of working to ensure that our staff were safe when collecting and also the staff back at base were safe from contracting Covid-19. We also wanted to ensure that our customers were safe from us, when we turned up to collect domestic fridges for disposal or commercial refrigeration for recycling.

How did we do that?

All our vehicles were cleaned and sanitised in the cabs and the drivers issued with antibacterial wipes to ensure that they wiped down, door handles and the interior of the cabs when entering both on initial start and also after every collection.

We also insisted that in addition to the gloves they already use, that face masks are used if they are unable to maintain the social distance of 2 mtrs when loading /collection refrigeration which in most cases is easily maintained on collection.

Where we used to gain a signature on our Hazardous Waste Consignment note, we now send this via email to the customer for signing and returning to us, which again reduced the need for interaction with customers on site.

Touch Wood as they say, due to our stringent processes being followed, despite the fact that we are traveling all over England for collections, we have not had a single issue with either collections or a potential infection of Covid-19( lets hope this continues)

We are and have been throughout this Pandemic open for collections and have continued to help our customers with Hassle Free Collections and Recycling of both Domestic Fridges and Fridge Freezers and also all types of Commercial equipment from Commercial fridges to commercial chillers.

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